
Our Finding Safety Project offers a range of programs aimed at strengthening women’s social connection, health and wellbeing.

Wellbeing and Connection at the Women’s Space

From the JRS Women’s Space, the Finding Safety Project team delivers a program of activities such as art groups, mindfulness and self care workshops, cooking classes and more.

We use participant feedback to determine the types of activities we offer, and encourage the women to share their own talents and passions and help facilitate the groups.

We aim to build connection and reduce social isolation for participants. Whenever possible we provide onsite childcare to ensure that our activities are accessible to all.

Contact our Project Officer Sara on 0422 065 549 or women@jrs.org.au to learn about our upcoming activities.

Do you have a talent or skill that you would like to share with women on temporary visas and those seeking asylum? We would love to hear from you! Get in touch with our Finding Safety Project Officer Sara today on 0422 065 549 or women@jrs.org.au 

Need help?

Help is available to people seeking asylum, refugees and migrants in vulnerable situations. If you need assistance, please visit our Get Help page.

Image credits: Flashpoint Labs.