
Specialist caseworkers dedicated to serving and accompanying refugees, people seeking asylum and migrants in vulnerable situations.

Specialist Casework 

JRS Australia runs a specialist casework service for people seeking asylum, refugees, and migrants in vulnerable situations. Our team works primarily with people seeking asylum, but any person who has migrated to Australia, regardless of status, and has a question or needs to talk to someone, is welcome to contact the casework team for information and support. 

The Casework service serves three key functions: 

  • Intake – initial meetings and assessments with prospective clients to get to know them and to hear about what they would like to get out of their time with JRS. 
  • Casework – working in partnership with people to respond to immediate crises, provide specialist support and referrals for those with severe mental illness, and find practical solutions for issues that matter to them most. The level and complexity of casework support provided depends on the person’s needs and can be short-term or ongoing. 
  • Accompaniment – walking with people through the long and uncertain journey to safety and permanence in Australia.

People may request support with their finances, accommodation, physical or mental health, or with referrals for legal advice to better understand their visa process. If JRS cannot meet the needs of a person directly, the Caseworkers will try and find another service that can assist through our network of referral partners. 

In 2023, the JRS Casework team responded to over 1100 women, children, and men seeking support.

We offer support when people have nowhere else to go. 

Our Casework and Emergency Relief services for refugees, people seeking asylum and migrants in situations of vulnerability, operate in the absence of State of Federal government funding, and amidst many structural barriers.

Read Sarah and Joseph’s story here, for example.

Through our Casework and Emergency Relief services, we face these challenges head on, and stand in solidarity with the people we serve throughout their journey.

Find out more here, including how your support can ensure our Casework and Emergency Relief services remain sustainable, and can continue to transform lives for years to come.