Annual Report

Read our 2023 Annual Report to learn about the extraordinary accompaniment, service and advocacy work of our staff and volunteers.

2023 Annual Report

We are delighted to announce the release of Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) Australia’s Annual Report for 2023. This report provides a snapshot of our impact, achievements, and the challenges we overcame last year, in our mission to accompany, serve, and advocate for refugees and people seeking asylum in Australia.


Report Highlights

Alongside key data points and helpful infographics, the 2023 Annual Report offers an overview of our advocacy work, community engagement, and our essential services.

Learn more about the impact of our Foodbank, the number of clients accessing our Casework services, the success of our Finding Safety Project, and the meaningful opportunities provided through out Employment Program.

The Report also includes a spotlight on our Refugee Leadership Program, and meaningful reflections from both our Country Director Tamara Domicelj, and Chair of the Board of JRS Australia Dr Eve Lester.

Finally, the Report celebrates our incredible community of supporters, sector partners, and volunteers who make our work possible.

Your dedication and generosity are the foundation of our success, and we are deeply grateful for your ongoing support.

We are resolutely drawing upon our strengths to do all that we can to uphold rights, strengthen resilience, alleviate suffering, and foster collaboration for impact.
Tamara Domicelj, JRS Australia Country Director

Read the Full Report

We invite you to explore our 2023 Annual Report, to learn more about our mission, our activities throughout the year, and the real-world impact of our work for refugees and people seeking asylum in our community.

Thank you for your continued support as we work together for a better Australia.

Read the JRS Australia 2023 Annual Report

Interested in learning more?

Please see our recent LINK Newsletters for updates on our work alongside refugees and people seeking asylum this year.

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For day-to-day updates on what’s happening at JRS Australia, how you can get involved, and to participate in our advocacy campaigns, please connect with us on InstagramFacebookX (Twitter) and LinkedIn.