Migrant and Refugee Sunday 2024

16 September 2024|Molly Jackson

Migrant and Refugee Sunday 2024

Each year, on the last Sunday of September, the global community observes Migrant and Refugee Sunday—also known as the World Day of Migrants and Refugees.

This special day, which falls on Sunday the 29th of September this year, invites us to reflect on the experiences of people forced to flee their homes due to conflict, persecution, or hardship.

The Catholic Church has commemorated this day since 1914, highlighting the plight of those on the move and encouraging us to stand in solidarity with them. It is a time to express our concern for vulnerable populations, to pray for their protection and resilience, and to foster a deeper understanding of the complex realities they face.

God walks with His people.
Pope Francis

Pope Francis, a steadfast advocate for refugees and migrants has chosen a title for this year’s message: “God walks with His people”.

Just as Jesus accompanies us, we are called to accompany, serve, and advocate for those in need. As Pope Francis has reflected, migration offers opportunities for enrichment and growth — for both those arriving and the communities that welcome them.

As an organisation dedicated to accompanying, service and advocating for refugees and people seeking asylum, Jesuit Refugee Services (JRS) Australia lives this truth in action, every day.

We invite you to join us in raising awareness, offering support, and advocating for policies that protect the rights and dignity of all people on the move.

Please find the Pope’s Message for WDMR 2024 here.

Please support our Emergency Casework

Our Casework and Emergency Relief services are strained at the moment. We receive no Federal or State government funding and rely only on your generosity to continue this important work.

Let this Migrant and Refugee Sunday be more than just a day of reflection; let it be a catalyst for action. If you are in a position to do so, please consider donating to JRS Australia and supporting the families who rely on our casework and emergency relief services.

Learn more about the challenge for our Casework here, and consider reading Sarah and Joseph’s story to inspire you to continue to walk alongside refugees and people seeking asylum towards a better future for all.