Xiao Min's Story
Part of a series of 16 stories featuring women we have accompanied through the Finding Safety Project, shared for the 16 Days of Activism.
Xiao Min’s decision to marry someone from a different religious background was met with disapproval and threats from her family, particularly her brothers.
Fearful of her family’s reactions, Xiao Min fled to Australia, and remained with her husband for many years despite his violence towards her.
When the violence escalated, Xiao Min made the brave decision to leave.
In a foreign country without access to mainstream support, Xiao Min felt stressed and fearful about her future.
When Xiao Min sought help through the Finding Safety Project, she was able to access psychosocial care through counselling services and speciality casework, and receive practical assistance such as financial support, access to an Opal Card, and food and essential items through JRS Australia’s Foodbank.
Carrying her story in silence for so many years had also caused Xiao Min to feel isolated and alone. Participating in community activities at the Women’s Space offered her a safe environment to come together with other women who had experienced sexual or gender-based violence.
Together, the women support each other to raise their voices, rebuild, and believe in a better future.
Speaking to her caseworker, Xiao Min expressed the important role the Finding Safety Project has played in her life, by accompanying her and believing her during the difficult times: “Only God knows what happened to me, if not meeting you. You take me from a dark place and hold my hand. I always pray for you”.