Cook 2 Connect
Celebrate the contributions, skills and resilience of refugees and people seeking asylum with friends and family.
Joining C2C is very easy! Launched in 2017, JRS Australia’s Cook2Connect (C2C) program is a fun way to make a positive difference in the lives of thousands of children, women and men who are seeking asylum in our community. Cooking a recipe from an asylum seeker or refugee and share with your community. Many schools, parishes and other community groups are taking part in C2C. Join the fun by these easy steps:
Step 1: Register your dinner or lunch.
- It only takes a couple of minutes, simply use the form further below or contact Alma Gatica on (02) 9356 3888 or philanthropy@jrs.org.au. We will send you a resource pack with recipes.
Step 2: Check out the resource pack for:
- Recipes
- Fact sheets on refugees and people seeking asylum. Do you know any famous refugees in the world or in Australia?
- How your support will make a difference to the lives of thousands of children, women and men that JRS serves, accompanies and advocates with and for
- Donation form and tax receipt information
Step 3: Invite friends to a lunch or dinner at your place, or organise to cook for an event at your church, school or community group.
- Invite friends to your solidarity meal and ask them to donate $20 or more for a special meal with a refugee background
- Spread the word about your event, share it on social media, the more people you tell, the more people you will inspire to host their own dinner party and stand for refugees!
Step 4: Share a meal with your loved ones and enjoy your contribution!
- Send your donations to JRS and get your tax receipt
A delicious and meaning recipe. Before the pandemic hit Sydney, twice a week, at the JRS hosts community lunches as part of the “Cooking Together” program so that people with lived experience of seeking asylum shared their meal with the community that consisted mainly of refugees and asylum seekers. People took it in turns to cook a beloved dish to share with everyone. This empowerment activity enables JRS clients to share their gifts, feel valued and overcome isolation that is very strong in Australia, due to our punitive policies concerning people seeking protection. Our amazing chefs welcome people with love as they walk through the door at JRS Westmead centre and create a sense of belonging across the lunch table.
Talented people prepared comforting meals to share with women, men and their children who wait for their appointments with our specialist caseworkers and to receive free legal advice, and for people attending JRS’ English classes; those that participate in our community led projects, or those families that go to our centre to collect their weekly grocery supplies from our foodbank.
At JRS community lunches, everyone has the opportunity to share their special dishes from their countries of origin and taste delicious meals from around the world; we have the support of talented chefs from Iran, Sierra Leone, Iraq, India, Nigeria, among other countries, who share their beloved family recipes.
With your support, JRS provides all ingredients to prepare these delicious shared meals, which have become highly popular and demanded by the people we serve.
Read about the impact your Cook 2 Connect activity would make here.
For more information and support please contact Alma Gatica on (02) 9356 3888 or philanthropy@jrs.org.au.
Thank you for your support and solidarity with refugees and people seeking asylum!
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