Our Board
Fr Gregory Jacobs SJ — JRS Australia board member

Fr Gregory Jacobs SJ is a Jesuit, currently working as Parish Priest at Holy Family Parish, Mt Druitt. This is one of the poorest areas of Sydney with constant demands on the welfare and social needs of the community.
But it is also a dynamic, culturally-rich, diverse community full of hope and promise. Fr Gregory has found the challenge of working in a community on the margins requires creativity and determination.
His involvement working with those on the margins began as a volunteer with St Vincent de Paul Society when he coordinated a Camp Program for children who did not get to have a holiday. Since then he has continued to be involved with Vinnies, with Jesuit Social Services, and a continuing role in hospital chaplaincy.
Another great passion is the dialogue between science and religion. “Finding God in all things” is a popular phrase of St Ignatius of Loyola, and has led many to seek God in creation. Fr Gregory is particularly interested in how different landscapes (the desert, the garden/wilderness, and especially the city) bring out our experience of God in different ways.
Qualifications: Master of Theology (MCD); Master of Science & Religion (Edinburgh); Grad Dip Arts (History & Philosophy of Science); Grad Dip Education (Secondary); Bachelor of Science (Chemistry)
Fr Gregory Jacobs SJ has been a JRS Australia board member since 1 August 2016.