Homelessness Week 2024: A Call to Action

29 July 2024

Homelessness Week 2024 will be held from Monday August 5 to Sunday August 11

Homelessness Week 2024: A Call to Action to support refugees, people seeking asylum, and temporary migrants

Homelessness Australia hosts Homelessness Week annually to build community support and government commitment to end homelessness.

Homelessness Week 2024 will be held from Monday August 5 to Sunday August 11.

During this week, we join with services and community groups throughout Australia to raise awareness about the impact of homelessness, the solutions needed to end homelessness, and to advocate for change.

The theme for Homelessness Week 2024 is “Homelessness Action Now”.

As we reflect on this theme, we at JRS Australia want to shine a spotlight on one of the most vulnerable groups within our Australian community – refugees, people seeking asylum seekers, and people on temporary visas.

We are currently seeing an epidemic of homelessness amongst our clients, as cost-of-living pressures continue to spike, resources and funding become evermore scarce, and we increasingly see clients without permanent visas being rejected from support services that are available to the broader community.

We need action and solidarity now to prevent any further trauma imposed on people who have to Australia seeking safety. 

Understanding the Crisis

For refugees and people seeking asylum, the journey here often began with the trauma of having to leave everything they knew behind. Sadly, their struggles did not end with their arrival Australia. Instead of receiving welcome and support, many of our long-term clients have spent years in immigration detention, live with unresolved visa statuses and do not have the support to be able to build a sustainable future for themselves.

Refugees and people seeking asylum experience additional barriers such as limited access to affordable housing, lack of social support, complex legal and bureaucratic obstacles, and visa restrictions that prevent them from finding sustainable employment and gaining economic independence.

As homelessness risks spike across the country, refugees, people seeking asylum and temporary migrants are at the greatest risk.

We have created a number of resources for you to learn more about the experiences of refugees with respect to housing insecurity:

The Role we Play

At JRS Australia, we are dedicated to addressing the unique needs of refugees and people seeking asylum. Our programs are designed to assist with emergency relief and enable long-term solutions.

  • Emergency Assistance: We are able to offer limited emergency relief payments to clients to assist with rent, and we also run a Foodbank to provide families with essential items.
  • Case Management: Our dedicated case managers accompany our clients throughout their experiences, connecting them to
  • Advocacy: We advocate for systemic changes to address the root causes of homelessness among refugees, people seeking asylum and temporary migrants – and to bring awareness across the sector about the
  • Leadership, Employment and Community Building: By providing opportunities for skill development, education, and social connection, we help refugees, people seeking asylum and temporary migrants build a foundation for a stable and fulfilling life in Australia.

We Cannot Solve this Problem Alone

Refugees and people seeking asylum in our community work so hard to build a future for themselves in Australia. Our staff and volunteers also work hard to serve, accompany and advocate for them throughout this process.

However, emergency relief payments are insufficient when rent is consistently unaffordable. Training and education can only go so far when parents are not provided the right to work or study. Referrals to external services are ineffective when our clients are not eligible for their support.

Systemic change and collective action is required to solve the homelessness crisis and achieve sustainable solutions.

Here’s how you can get involved:

  • Donate: Your financial support enables us to continue our critical work. Every donation, no matter the size, makes a difference in the lives of those we support. We have lost a lot of crucial funding following the pandemic, and we need your help to ensure our programs have financial viability over the long-term.
  • Volunteer: Join our team of dedicated volunteers who assist with various aspects of our programs. Your time and skills are invaluable in making a tangible impact. Learn more here.
  • Advocate: Use your voice to raise awareness about the challenges faced by refugees and people seeking asylum. Share our stories, engage in discussions, and support policies that promote social justice, equity, and real change.
  • Educate: Learn more about the experiences of refugees and people seeking asylum. Understanding our shared stories and struggles is the first step towards creating a more inclusive and compassionate community. We run a School and Community Engagement Program that offers the opportunity to hear leaders with lived experience first-hand – please consider hosting a session with us!

Looking Forward

As we observe Homelessness Week 2024, let us remember that every person deserves a place to call home. For refugees and people seeking asylum, achieving this often means overcoming significant barriers.

With your support, we can make a real difference.

Stand in solidarity with us, alongside those who need it most, advocating for their rights, and working towards a future where everyone has access to safe, secure, and stable housing.

Together, we can create a society where everyone, regardless of their background, can find a place to call home.

Further resources

If you would like to learn more about the housing crisis faced by refugees and people seeking asylum, including our historical reporting, you might like to: