LINK Newsletter Spring Edition 2021 Out Now!

20 January 2025

JRS Australia’s latest LINK newsletter is out now.

Want to know what it has been like for our case workers to serve and accompany women experiencing gender-based violence during lockdown?

Read Sara Muzamil’s ‘Reflections From The Frontlines.’ A snippet below:

“When I first meet with a client, I hand her three pieces of paper, each one representing her past, present, and future respectively. I ask her to think about all the things that she no longer wants in her life and to write them down. She scrunches this piece of paper up and throws it away. On the second paper she will write about everything that is currently going on in her life and the issues that we will work together to address. With our clients, we focus on the here and now in order to forge a brighter future. On the last paper, I ask her to write about the life that she wants and hopes to achieve.”

You can also read the ‘Director’s Letter’ from Tamara Domicelj, stories on vaccinations and a new research partnership, and a take on ‘What next for Afghanistan?’ from three remarkable diaspora leaders.

You can find the entire newsletter here.