JRS Australia’s ‘Finding Safety’ Project is recruiting Community Mobilisers with lived experience

27 July 2024

The JRS Australia Finding Safety Project invites women with lived experience of seeking asylum or as a refugee to join our Community Mobiliser volunteer program.
A Finding Safety Community Mobiliser is a woman who is keen to work in the community to engage other women, linking them to supports, informing them about their rights and equipping them with the skills and knowledge to help reduce the impact of violence and gender discrimination in their lives, and in the lives of all women and girls.
What we offer is training for all our community mobilisers, building on their own skills and lived expertise. Our training includes leadership skills, knowing your rights, where to seek support, identifying early signs and red flags of sexual and gender based violence and much more.
For more information, please refer to the Terms of Reference here (PDF format).
Learn more. If you know of any women that would be keen to take up this rewarding volunteer opportunity, or would like to know more about the Finding Safety Community Mobiliser project, we will soon be holding an information morning tea at the JRS Women’s Space, 4 Victoria Rd North Parramatta. To register, please contact Finding Safety Project Officer Shatha Jajo on 0422 065 549 or women@jrs.org.au
Read more about the JRS Women’s Space and the Finding Safety project, please click here.